Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Some comments left by my readers...keep 'em coming!!

FreeMoneyPieRecipe said...
Hello Mrs. Hope,

This is Doug Barger. I just wanted to say thank-you for the tips. I signed up for your Hopechest Marketing Newsletter.
I am eager to read it!


December 13, 2006 2:13:00 PM CST

hopechest said...
Thanks Doug, your feedback is always welcome! You're always sooo informative and I've grown to trust your judgment and wouldn't hesitate to take your advice. Thanks again!

December 13, 2006 3:21:00 PM CST

FreeMoneyPieRecipe said...

I am really enjoying this website. Thank you for making it available. I believe alot of people will be continuing to come here for the quality help that you provide for them and make available. This blog is definitely a great place to come... for anyone and everyone! You definitely have many gifts and talent. They shine through this site. I love the way you share new and cutting-edge marketing information with your members and new visitors to your blog. No wonder so many people have been signing up for their membership to "Hopechest"!! I can't wait to receive the next Hopechest Newsletter, because I KNOW that there will be ways for me to make money and lots of valuable information in the "Goodies" section. It is one of my favorite sections of the newsletter.
I do have just one question though.
You DO have an autoresponder to handle ALL the New Subscriptions don't you? I hope that is not a silly question. I was just wondering what kind of vitamins your secretary takes if she had to handle all of that work herself.
Anyway, Jennifer, I do so much appreciate the wealth of your quality information, programs and products. God Bless you and yours, your members and everyone who comes to this blog! Merry Christmas and Happy New 2007!,

Christmas is near!

Hi Everyone:)

Just a little personal note today.

Well its that time of year again and if any of you know what this time of year is like when you have kids you will all understand how busy life gets. Imagine having 5 kids!! Yup, we have 5 kids and I've come to the conclusion that no matter how early you start Christmas shopping, you're still scrambling at the last minute. The only thing that comes with starting early is that you spend WAY more money then you initially budget for. Oh well...this time of year is for the kids anyways, I love making them happy.

So between my job and Christmas ~ I've been very busy and haven't had much time to add valuable information to my blog. But, I have gotten some comments that I'm going to post and share with everyone:)

Thanks to everyone that has signed up for my newsletter, this is all new to me and would love any feedback to let me know what do to improve.

Merry Christmas everyone and have a safe and proseperous New Year!


Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Are you a blogger?


This is all moving along soo smoothly. If you're just starting out and its your first visit to my blog, read my very first post that I wrote and see where I started out you will see that I am just a normal person looking for help! I'm not an internet marketing guru (yet), I am an average person looking to learn ways of making money online.

If you're getting frustrated, its ok! I've been frustrated over and over again and its a normal thing I've learned! But stay POSITIVE! Keep working, initially signing up for all these traffic programs and well...all the free money making affiliate programs, it seems soooo tedious at first and you just want to quit. BUT DON'T. This all takes time and in the end you will be very happy you stuck it out! Follow me along my journey and you too will succeed! What do you have to lose? I'm submitting an article on how to generate traffic to your blog...its a MUST READ!

Are you a blogger? Trying to figure out a way to drive visitors to your blog? Check this out.....I'm sooo excited that I found this.

“5 Killer Techniques To Effectively Use A Traffic Exchange To Drive Visitors To Your Blog”

Chances are, traffic exchanges don’t rank high in your list of traffic generating tactics. That could be due to the fact that members of a traffic exchange system, are usually owners of websites. Rarely do you come across a blog when surfing for credits.

However, this should not in any way, discourage you from signing up with a traffic exchange. Forget the baloney that the so-called ‘gurus’ keep dishing out – that this method doesn’t work anymore for blog owners. It does work wonders, if used properly. In fact, many blogmasters are driving a steady stream of visitors to their blog, by employing some incredibly simple tactics when using traffic exchanges.

So without further ado, let’s dive straight in to the ‘meat and potatoes’ of this article, shall we?

Here are 5 killer techniques to effectively use a traffic exchange system to drive targeted traffic to your blog:-

Killer Technique # 1: In lieu of promoting your blog on a traffic exchange, create a squeeze page and advertise that instead. A squeeze page is also known as a ‘capture page’, since you capture the prospect’s name and email address first, (you can offer a free bonus to get them to fill in the form), before re-directing them to your blog.

This technique has worked like magic for every blog owner who’s applied it, so you may definitely want to give it a try too.

Killer Technique # 2: Advertise your traffic exchange referral links from one exchange to another, and build your downline quickly and easily. Plus, this method works great, because you obtain a ton of free credits. So anyway, how can this help drive traffic to your blog?

Simple. Many traffic exchanges out there enable you to email your downline a certain number of times per week, right? Well, the larger your downline, the more people you can expose your blog to!

Killer Technique # 3: Run a free giveaway campaign on your blog. Implementing this technique will result in more ‘surfers’ staying on your blog even after the timer has run out, because hey, everybody loves free stuff, don’t they?

You can also insert an opt-in form, encouraging them to subscribe to your ezine.

Killer Technique # 4: Trade links with fellow blog owners using the same traffic exchange you are. Make sure your link is displayed prominently on their blog, and do the same for them. Here’s how it really works – when visitors are exposed to others’ blogs, they’re bound to see your link on it too, which can lead to more traffic for you. This is known as the ‘piggyback’ technique, where you’re ‘borrowing’ other folks’ traffic for your own blog.

Killer Technique # 5: As mentioned earlier on in this article, the majority of members of a traffic exchange system are owners of various websites. Although these sites come under different niches, most of them belong to the category of internet marketing.

Now what you’ve got to do here, is similar to technique #4. The only difference being, that you exchange links with websites, instead of blogs. This is a better idea actually, since you can get triple the amount of traffic than when you trade links with other blogs.

Well, there you have it! A brief, but hopefully informative article on how blog owners can effectively use a traffic exchange system to drive traffic to their blog!
"Attention all blog owners! Finally, a unique, one-of-a-kind traffic exchange program exclusively for blogs. Sign up now for FREE, and instantly generate a ton of targeted traffic to your blog!"

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

I got ANOTHER referral in my downline!


If you say that sentence enough, even if you are having a rough will make you feel sooo much better.

I've spent a few days away from my blog to do some researching online, signing up for free traffic sites etc. This is essential in your online success! Don't be fooled by those hyped up ads that promise you great fortune with little to no work! Come on people, if that were true don't you think everyone would be jumping on those opportunites?? It never hurts to do a little work, besides its VERY REWARDING when you've worked so hard and you start to finally see results!

In a previous post I told you about a new online business opportunity ~

Remember how I told you its free to sign up? Well it still is but time is of the essence because I heard a rumor that they will be launching in the next couple weeks!! I woke up this morning and I had ANOTHER referral under me. This is sooo fantastic. I can't explain how excited I am. I'm a newbie and things are flowing for me that I never expected to happen. I'm a skeptical person when it comes to these things and I can honestly say that I really think this is going to work for me! Have I said how excited I am yet???

I came across another great site today, its a free ad site that is TRULY FREE! Its below or copy and paste into your browser to check it out!

Anywho, today was a positive reinforcement day and I hope you take what I've told you today and put it to work.

Remember to check out

Sign up....its free!!!

Good luck and I WILL be back!


ps. Don't hesitate to leave a comment that I can publish that may have some helpfull information for all of us newbies!

pps. Another great site to check out
I just found it and its free to sign up!!

ppps. I have come across some great places that are a must do on your "TO DO LIST"...
Here is another free advertising site: